Wednesday, September 9, 2009


After our fall kickoff on Sept 17 (see below), our regular Wednesday night gatherings begin on Sept 23 with a two-part series called "Ashton Was Wrong: Jesus Is Not Your Homeboy."

What is this series all about? I'm not trying to pick on the step-dad of Bruce Willis' kids. But I do think Mr. Kutcher is an interesting "case study" of a contemporary young adult. And a few years ago, I was struck by the photo of him wearing the t-shirt at right, reading "Jesus is my homeboy."

In this series, I want to talk about this common idea of Jesus as our buddy, a laid-back dude. (Think about Will Ferrell's hilarious and brilliant prayer to "dear tiny Baby Jesus, with golden fleece diapers" and his "baby Jesus powers" in Talladega Nights, or go back to the very groovy Doobie Brothers' "Jesus Is Just Alright With Me.") In contrast to this view of Jesus, I want to look at who he really is and how he works in our lives.

In my conversations with young adults (and as one myself), I find a lot of people are confused, lonely, guilty, and making lots of choices that leave them feeling pretty bad in the morning. And in light of this, it's pretty clear to me that we need more than a Divine Homeboy. And in the Bible, Jesus certainly offers a lot more.

So what's this series about? Essentially, for people going through their 20s and 30s, I'm trying to answer the question: How does Jesus work in our lives? As always, my hope is to be real, honest, funny, and to ultimately give some good news.

Our series begins Weds, Sept 23, at 6:30 pm in Grace Commons at St. Stephen's Church.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Our Fall Events

Fall is here, and Anchor is rarin' to go. We’ve got some great events planned and I’m really excited to see everyone, meet new folks, and reconnect. I’ve been encouraged by the many people who have been asking me, “When is Anchor starting again?” Well, here we go:

Sep 17 Kickoff Party: Season Premier of The Office. Continue an Anchor tradition! Join us on Sept 17 at 8 pm in the Henning House (3rd fl.) for first episode of Season 6 on our big screen. Snacks, cool people, and more Dwight Schrute. Don’t miss it.

Sep 23 & 30 “Ashton Was Wrong: Jesus Is Not Your Homeboy”: A two-part series on the Christian life for young adults. Week 1: “Narcissism Kills.” Week 2: “Jesus Failed and So Can You.” Sep 23 & 30, 6:30-8:30pm. Dinner for $7, free childcare.

Oct 14-Nov 4 Theology on Tap: “Jesus, Justice, and Mercy: Voices of Christians in Service”: Theology on Tap is a series where we meet in a local bar, invite great speakers, and have stimulating conversation about the intersection of faith and life. We’ll meet Wednesdays, Oct 14-Nov 4. This series will focus on Christians in ministries of service and social justice. Time and location TBD.

Nov 18-Dec 9 “I Love Liz Lemon: 30 Rock and Life’s Big Questions”: A dinner-and-discussion series on TV’s (arguably) funniest show. Nov 18- Dec 9 on Wednesdays from 6:30-8:30pm in Grace Commons. $7 for dinner, free childcare.

In addition to all this stuff, we’ll continue to offer small groups (see below), as well as lots of other stuff in the works: service projects, parties, and a spring retreat.

As always, if there’s an event you’d like to have, or an issue you’d like to see us address, let me know. Anchor is for you, so if it needs to change, let me know.

Anchor Small Groups

The Bible says it, the Dread Pirate Roberts confirms it, experience demonstrates it, and even Buddhists affirm it:

Life is hard.

It's especially hard when you go through it alone. That's why Anchor has small groups of men and women that meet once a week to provide the community and friendship that we all need.

What are these groups like? We meet, discuss a book we're reading together, or read a part of the Bible and talk about what it means for our lives, and we pray for each other. It’s a great way to learn more about your faith, to ask questions, and to get to know people better.

Here’s the info on our groups:

Anchor Women’s Small Group

When: Tuesdays at 7 pm beginning September 22

Where: Sarah Bray’s place, 819 Nevin Ave., Sewickley

What: This fall they’re reading the book Unchristian by David Kinnaman and Gabe Lyons. Order it here.

Questions? Email Sarah Bray.

Anchor Men’s Small Group

When: Tuesdays at 7 pm beginning September 22

Where: Chris Scharf’s place, 335 Chestnut St - Apt C, Sewickley
(Don't go to the front door. Go up the driveway around the left side of the house for the entrance to Apt C.)

What: This fall they’re reading Tim Keller’s The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism. Order the book here.

Questions? Email Chris Scharf.